No more excuses websites and online shops

Small business specialist retail service and online
Marketing, Advertising, Social media, website development, online shops

Welcome from the team at no more excuses websites and online stores

A letter from the owners

” Hi I’m Ari and welcome to my company’s blog page.

I thought about expressing why I started this business. Many years of experience, interacting with small business and also working for large corporations like ‘Yellow Pages’ gave me a window into how people operate their business. I found a few elements that made the difference between a successful business and one that could have been. First key point was Time management, successful owners had prioritised and gave everything a time frame…… less stress and with that clarity of thought. Second key point was an evolution of point one and they made time to work on top of the business not in the business meaning they saw the business as an owner that had to implement different strategies and plan things like marketing, advertising and people. If a small business owner does not give time for this then its crazy for them to think change will happen by doing the same thing over and over. Final Key point is the most important aspect in a successful business owner is are they inspired. I love visiting a small business owner that his smile is infectious and the gleam in his eye lets me know that his having a ball…. that translates into $$$$$$ because people are not silly they pick up your vibe.

Hence why is started NO MORE EXCUSES websites and online stores. I have put together a system that in just two or three sittings about 45min each….. I take it from there. Easy , quick customised for your business with consultants that have a wealth of experience. So if they ask you why are not you online making money……. but our people will show that the person down the road from you is…..maybe then you’ll have no more excuses…I believe everyone should be doing business online because 97% of the Australian population goes Google mad and check out their next purchase.. Last year 33 billion dollars online spend in Australia 56% goes overseas……that’s nuts in itself…so I say opportunity not only for my business but for yours.

I have set the business up to serve your business think about it as your ‘online and off marketing’ member of your business because were here to help. Will firstly learn about your business and the different avenues your customers find you or enter to your premise. Secondly we design a concept through our partner company ‘papperdino’ then we have builders overseas so the end result is we manage the project from start to finish keeping our prices not only competitive but with the 12 months service plan included there ridiculously affordable. They have to im dealing with small business. I understand that’s why I would love our people to show you how easy and affordable it can be.

our Services include
•social media interaction
•online shops

Thank you again and if you like to find out more then like my page or send me a contact request from my site or give me a call on 0468 368 458 and ill get back to you that business day.

Ari Dimou

Professional services